「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー・カレッジ
Cervantes' famous novel is one of the great works of literature that everyone knows but few have read. That is to say that people know it by its influence, or through the works of the many writers who have borrowed and copied from it. This course will be too short to cover the entire novel, and many students will not have time to finish reading it, but we will study selected chapters, essays about the novel, and examples of other works of fiction that were influenced by it.
Miguel de Cervantes 著 Don Quixote: A New Translation by Edith Grossman
Harper Perennial (paperback, 2005) ISBN-13: 978-0060934347 本体1,893円+税
(1) Introduction to the novel, with a review by Carlos Fuentes.
(2) Biography of Miguel de Cervantes
(3) Introduction to Part 1: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha (1605).
Don Quixote’s Library (chapters 6 and 7).
(4) Part 1 continued: The Inn (chapters 16 and 17).
(5) Stories within the story: Cardenio, Fernando, Luscinda and Dorotea (chapter 27).
(6) Introduction to Part 2: Sequel to The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha (1615).
The player and the played. Don Quixote’s interactions with his fame and a mocking world.
(7) Sancho Panza’s governorship. Cervantes on politics and education (chapter 42).
(8) Conclusion. Student presentations.
専攻 : Literature and Linguistics, Education