「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー・カレッジ
The Merchant of Venice is concerned with the themes of debt, justice, mercy and inter-racial relations. In other words, it is a fitting story for the times we live in. The developed nations of the world have record levels of public and private debt. In another sense, we have left an ecological debt that will be paid by future generations. Thus the world has become a dangerous place where conflicts over these debts takes place between people of different races and cultures. We will discuss how Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice illuminated these issues four centuries ago.
<テキスト>Morris,J., Smith,R.(editors)『The Merchant of Venice』Cambridge University Press 2005 ISBN: 0521618754 1,029円程
(1) Introduction:synopsis, character map, themes.
(2) Study and discussion of key scenes from the play. Viewing of these scenes in the film.
(3) Study and discussion of key scenes from the play. Viewing of these scenes in the film.
(4) Study and discussion of key scenes from the play. Viewing of these scenes in the film.
(5) The history of Shylock — how he evolved from villain to sympathetic character.
(6) Debt:how contemporary economists debate the debt problem. Who should be rescued when systemic defaults occur, debtors or creditors?
(7) Relevance to other cultural conflicts:discussion of examples in other times and places where a successful sub-culture was resented by the dominant culture.
(8) Student presentations and discussions.
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