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Glocalization in Language and Culture in Bulgaria

event date:2019.07.20

The Center for Glocal Studies (CGS) of Seijo University concluded the MOU for Research Cooperation with Sofia University, Bulgaria, at the end of March, 2019. In commemoration of this agreement, we will invite Prof. Madlen Danova (Dean, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology) and Dr. Gergana Petkova (Head, Department of Japanese Studies) to give lectures. They will talk on “Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Digital Age within the European Language Framework” and “The Root of Japan’s Popularity in Bulgaria,” respectively. We hope to see you at the talk.

Glocalization in Language and Culture in Bulgaria

Title : Glocalization in Language and Culture in Bulgaria
Date & Time:Saturday, July 20, 2019, 13:30-16:00
Venue:Conference Room, 3rd Fl., No.3 Bldg., Seijo University
Sponsor:Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University
   *Admission free
   *Language: Japanese (English lecture will be consecutively interpreted)


13:30-13:45 Opening Remarks
       Tomiyuki Uesugi, Director, CGS, Seijo University
13:45-13:50 Authentication of the MOU
14:00-15:00 Prof. Madlen Danova
       “Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Digital Age within the European Language Framework”
15:10-16:10 Dr. Gergana Petkova
       “The Root of Japan’s Popularity in Bulgaria”
16:20-16:30 Closing Remarks
       Tomiyuki Uesugi, Director, CGS, Seijo University


1.Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Digital Age within the European Language Framework
Prof. Madlen Danova, Sofia University
Dr. Danail Danov, Sofia University

The proposed talk evaluates the new on-line module “Teaching English to Teenagers” developed by OUP from the perspective of what has become known as digital literacy. On the basis of the feedback by the twenty-one participants in the on-line course currently enrolled at Sofia University, it analyzes the creation of new skills necessary for teaching English to the “digital natives” of today. The results from the course as well as the personal observations of the moderator serve as a basis for suggested changes in the curriculum of teaching English as a foreign language. The theoretical framework within which these suggestions are formulated is closely connected to the study of the cognitive processes responsible for learning a foreign language and acquiring skills that are part of the new digital literacy of the twenty-first century as well as to the European Language Framework.

2.The Roots of Japan’s Popularity in Bulgaria
Dr. Gergana Petkova,
Head, Department of Japanese Studies, Sofia University

Why is Japan so popular in Bulgaria? What are the driving engines of Japan’s promotion? For a small EU country, Bulgaria boasts a vivid Japan’s fandom, a huge number of Japanese language courses from kindergarten to university level, traditional sports and arts associations, economic forums, and active cultural exchange. For over 50 years this intensive cooperation has been enhanced by the efforts and initiatives of the Japanese Studies Department, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University.