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  • 2012.04.17

    成城大学グローカル研究センター共催、International Thinkshop(5月12・13日開催)のお知らせ【終了しました】

成城大学グローカル研究センターは、5月12日(土)・13日(日)の2日間、ドイツの世界人文社会科学ネットワーク(World Social Sciences and Humanities Network)が主催する下記のInternational Thinkshopを、ポルトガルのカルースト・グルベンキアン財団(Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)とともに共催いたします。

成城大学社会イノベーション学部 矢澤 修次郎
E-mail: syazawa@seijo.ac.jp

Tel & fax 03-3482-1497
E-mail: glocalstudies@seijo.ac.jp

International Thinkshop organized by World SSH Net, sponsored by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Center for Glocal Studies (CGS), Seijo University

Theories about and Strategies against Hegemonic Social Sciences

Saturday, May 12, 2012, 9:00~18:30
Sunday, May 13, 2012, 9:00~19:30
Main Conference Room, 3rd F, Building 3
Seijo University, Tokyo, Japan

May 12, 2012
<Welcome Remarks>
Mitsunobu Shinohara (Dean, Faculty of Social Innovation, Seijo University, Japan)

<Opening Remarks>
Tomiyuki Uesugi (Director, Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University, Japan)

<Welcome talks>
Shujiro Yazawa (Seijo University, Japan)
Michael Kuhn (World SSH Net, Chair Gulbenkian Commission, Germany/Portugal)

<Sec.1  Hegemonic Relations in International Knowledge Encounters?>
Chair: Shujiro Yazawa (Seijo University, Japan)
Léon-Marie Nkolo Ndjodo (ENS de Maroua, Cameroon)
Philosophies and Ideologies of Globalization: Postmodernism, Postcolonialism and how to go beyond them
Kwan-Yeong Shin (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
The Emergence of Hegemonic Social Sciences and Strategies of Non(counter) Hegemonic Social Sciences
Kazumi Okamoto (World SSH Net, Germany)
What is Hegemonic Science?

<Lunch Break>

<Sec.2 Knowledges versus Knowledge?>
Chair: Nestor Castro (University of the Philippines Diliman; IFSSO,Philippines)
Han, Sang-Jin (Seoul National University, Korea/Beijing University, China)
Qiu, Zeqi (Beijing University, China)
Individualization and the Family: How to deal with Global Difference in Social Science Theories?
Sujata Patel (University of Hyderabad, India)
Towards Internationalism: Beyond Colonial and Nationalist Sociologies
Koichi Hasegawa (Tohoku University, Japan)
Tackling Environmental Problems and Consumption Society: Strategies from Japanese Social Sciences
Bai, Guimei (Beijing University, China)
Han, Sang-Jin (Seoul National University, Korea/Beijing University, China)
Ying, Zhongguo Ethan (Beijing University, China)
Universal Concept of Human Rights and China: An Example De-hegemonizing Western Political Science Theorizing?

May 13, 2012
<Sec.3 Indigenization : A Strategy against Hegemonic Sciences?>
Chair: Hebe Vessuri (World SSH Net, Mexico)
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Lessons learned from the Indigenization and Liberalisation of Sociology in Taiwan
Doris Weidemann (University of Applied Sciences of Zwickau, Germany)
Three Decades of Chinese Indigenous Psychology: Its Contribution to International Science
Michael Kuhn (World SSH Net, Chair Gulbenkian Commission, Germany/Portugal)
Hegemonic Science: Critique Strands, Counter-strategies and their Premises

<Lunch Break>

<Sec.4 How to Construct Non-hegemonic Sciences?>
Chair: Michael Kuhn (World SSH Net, Chair Gulbenkian Commission, Germany/Portugal)
Rajagopal Kumaran (Gandhigram Rural University Gandhigram, India)
Making Social Knowledge One-step outside Modern Sciences: Strategies from Phliphines
Shujiro Yazawa (Seijo University, Japan)
The Transcencendental Dimension constructing Universal Social Sciences
Nestor Castro (University of the Philippines Diliman; IFSSO, Philippines)
Challenging Hegemonic Social Sciences: Strategies from the Phillippines
Hebe Vessuri (World SSH Net, Mexico)
Revisiting Knowledge, Education, and Development

<Farewell and End of Conference>
<Business Meeting of the World SSH Net (For Network Members)>

◆For further information, please contact:
Prof. Shujiro Yazawa
E-mail: syazawa@seijo.ac.jp

Seijo University Center for Glocal Studies
E-mail: glocalstudies@seijo.ac.jp
Tel/Fax: 03-3482-1497