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Youth training workshop to be held by the Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University “Representations of Cultural Border Crossings” (the event is now over)

event date: 2018.03.10

The Center for Glocal Studies is hosting the following symposium.
No registration is required and admission is free. Please come directly to the venue.
The event forms part of Seijo University’s MEXT-supported Research Branding Program for Private Universities.

Date:Saturday, March 10, 2018, 14:00–17:20
Venue:Room 715, Floor 1, Building 7, Seijo University. Directions can be found here.
(The venue is a four-minute walk from Seijogakuen-mae Station on the Odakyu Odawara Line.)
Hosted by:Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University

<For further information>

Center for Glocal Studies (CGS), Seijo University
Seijo 6-1-20, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-8511, Japan
Phone: 03-3482-1497
Fax: 03-3482-9740
Email: glocalstudies[at]seijo.ac.jp
*When you send an email, please replace “[at]” with “@”.

Youth training workshop to be held by the Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University “Representations of Cultural Border Crossings”


The globalization and localization of “things” is represented in various ways in literature and culture. Globalization is often seen as a modern phenomenon, but it has actually advanced, slowly but surely, since the Age of Discovery. This workshop explores how chocolate, photographs, Girlhood Magazine, and Madeira Wine have historically developed from local into global things, or from global into local things, and how they have been represented in literature and culture.
Keywords: Transnational, movement of “things,” representation


14:00–14:05 Opening address: Masahito Ozawa (Deputy Director, Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University)
14:05–14:10 Explanation of main theme: Mai Osawa
(Research Assistant at the Center for Glocal Studies, currently undertaking a doctoral program in English literature and language at the Graduate School of Literature, Seijo University)

Part 1
 Moderator: Mai Osawa
 Coordinator: Kenji Kitayama (Seijo University)

14:10–14:50 Presentation 1
Yurika Kawai (Research Assistant at the Center for Glocal Studies, currently undertaking a doctoral program in European Culture at the Graduate School of Literature, Seijo University)
“The Glocal as Seen in the Movement of Things: Focusing on Meunier Posters”

14:50–15:30 Presentation 2
Yuuki Shimizu (currently undertaking a doctoral program in English and Cultural Studies, Graduate School, Tsuda University)
“Photographs That Connect Japan and Britain”

Break 14:30–15:40

Part 2 15:40–17:00
 Moderator: Yurika Kawai
 Commentator: Makoto Kinoshita (Seijo University)

Presentation 3: Yukiko Muta (Research Assistant, currently undertaking a doctoral program in English literature at the Graduate School of Waseda University)
“Transnational Girlhood”

Presentation 4: Mai Osawa
“Transnational Networks: Madeira Wine and Jane Eyre”

 Kenji Kitayama and Makoto Kinoshita