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Seminar featuring Patricia G. Steinhoff “Glocalization in a Social Movement”

event date:2018.06.02

The Center for Glocal Studies is hosting the following seminar. All are welcome to attend.

Speaker : Patricia G. Steinhoff (Department of Sociology, University of Hawaii)
Theme : Glocalization in a Social Movement: Japan’s 1960s Student-Protest Movement
Moderator : Kazuhisa Nishihara (Department of Psychological and Sociological Studies, Faculty of Social Innovation, Seijo University)

No registration is required and admission is free.
The seminar will mostly be in Japanese.
The event forms part of Seijo University’s MEXT-supported Research Branding Program for Private Universities.

<Dates & Venue>
Date : Saturday, June 2, 2018, 16:30–18:00 (doors open at 16:00)
Venue : Large lecture hall, Floor 3, Building 3, Seijo University
Directions can be found here.
(The venue is a four-minute walk from Seijogakuen-mae Station on the Odakyu Odawara Line.)
Hosted by : Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University

<For further information>
Center for Glocal Studies (CGS), Seijo University
Seijo 6-1-20, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-8511, Japan
Phone: 03-3482-1497 Fax: 03-3482-9740
Email: glocalstudies[at]seijo.ac.jp
*When you send an email, please replace “[at]” with “@”.

1. Summary

The student movement that developed in Japan during the 1960s was significantly influenced by the New Left. The New Left had emerged in the West, but the ideas and practices it embodied transformed significantly in Japan. This was an example of glocalization. In this seminar, I will discuss this glocalization phenomenon, drawing on my work into the New Left in 1960s and 1970s Japan.
Glocalization describes the process whereby the things that globalization produces are adapted in accordance with local systems and mindsets. As a result of this process, something new is created that is neither like what globalization produced, nor what was there in the local society before. In the case of the New Left, the New Left’s party structures were fashioned in accordance with the existing structures of parties proclaiming glocalized forms of Marxist Leninism. This process generated a new political offshoot, with consequences that no one could have imagined.

2. About the speaker

Sole author: Shi e no ideorogii: Nihon sekigun ha [Deadly Ideology: The Japanese Red Army Faction] (Iwanami Modern Classics Series, 2003)
Co-authored (with Yoshinori Itoh): Rengo sekigun to aum shinrikyo: Nihon shakai o kataru [The United Red Army and Aum Shinrikyo: A Discussion of Japanese Society] (Sairyusha, 1996).
Edited and translated: Koji Takazawa, Shukumei: Yodogo shiboshatachi no himitsu kosaku [Destiny: The Secret Operations of the Yodogo Exiles] (1998; original: Hawai’i Press, 2017)